Images of Karbala, is a site dedicated to the legacy and glory of the great Imam Hussein (as). Presented through what is arguably the most important artistic medium of the modern era, photography. The images presented in these galleries have been compiled since December 2014, By Australian photographic artist, Tom Toby, and continues to grow in number and more importantly, exposure through a corpus of work that numbers in the tens of thousands of images.
Having been the subject of dozens of exhibitions, the profound images showcased in these pages have hung proudly and beautifully in The New South Wales Parliament House, numerous galleries, museums, mosques, Husseineyat, Islamic institutions and churches. Further to this, the images have featured in books, documentaries, PhD doctoral dissertations. Though most importantly however, these artworks have found a focal point in the homes of countless pious brothers and sisters, who take great solace from the images of the shrines of Karbala and a legacy to which they all aspire. It is a great honour to us that these images hang in homes all over the world, acting to both remind and inspire Muslims of all ages, of the grand legacy of Karbala, the Ahlul Bayt (as) and the traditions that form the very cornerstone of the Islamic Shia school of thought.
Never before have the Holy Shrines of Karbala and Damascus, revered so intimately by hundreds of millions of Muslims around the world, been photographed with such care and artistic nuance. However, not stopping with the raw imagery captured, we have painstaking chosen the finest printing materials and processes to bring to life, often in large format, these glorious images, ready to hang in the homes of those who pride themselves with the connection they hold in their hearts, with and for, the Ahlul Bayt (as) and the Shattering events of Karbala.
Thank you for choosing to peruse these pages and we pray that your love for the immaculate Ahlul Bayt (as) will overflow through the majesty represented in these photographic images and pray that they find a beautiful place in your homes and hearts.
God bless you all