There are many elements that define the experience of the Arbaeen (40th) of Imam Hussein (as). Especially the long and tumultuous walk from the Holy city of Najaf to the Holy city of Karbala, some 89 kms away.
Sharing that dusty and crowded highway, the millions of pilgrims walk, often, for the first time, not really sure what to expect.
Gradually, they arrive at the outskirts of Karbala, they arrive at a junction, they turn expecting more of the same dusty scenes, only to freeze. They look out and most begin to weep as the dome and minarets of Abu Fathdlil Abbas (as) become visible off in the distance for the first time. Although still many Kilometres away, the pilgrim begin another type of journey. A journey of juxtaposed emotions. Accomplishment and sadness, exhaustion and elation, unparalleled joy and unprecedented shattering. Soon they arrive to fulfil their quest of visiting the Imams, and heartbreak of standing where they were so brutally slain.
The Dome and minarets of Aba Fadhlil Abbas at night do indeed shimmer as a beacon in the darkness. The perfect metaphor representing the life, times and example of Aba Fadhlil Abbas (as)