It is most interesting perhaps to note that Abbas (as) is not considered of the 14 infallible, (Maasoomeen). He is not a member of the Ahlulbayt (as). It is true, However, that his father is non other than the great Imam Ali (as). Abbas (as) is not a direct descendent of the Holy Prophet Muhammad PBUHAHF, like his half brother Iman Hussein (as) or his half-sister Zeinab (as).
So why then? Why does Abbas (as) receive virtually the same levels of admiration and love as the Immaculate 14? Why is Abbas loved to the extent that he is by the Ahlulbayt (as) themselves? Why does his Shrine stand in direct proportion and proximity to the shrine of Imam Hussein(as)? And why do millions flock to visit him from all over the world.
There are indeed voluminous written and oral cannons depicting the life and times of Aba Fadthlil Abbas (as). Works depicting his courage, chivalry, charity, convictions, drives loyalties, filial sensibilities and dedication. Indeed, not only have many volumes been written but undoubtably, many more will come.
However, to the Zoowar of Karbala, the questions of why, evaporate into the realms of the obvious, for Abbas truly was the son of his father. The example of Abbas(as) mirrors precisely that of his father Ali (as).
The feeble minded often accuse certain Muslims of loving Ali (as) more than the prophet Muhammad PBUHAHF, not realizing that Ali (as) is loved and adored precisely because no one loved the Prophet and showed loyalty to him as Ali (as) did.
Of course, such lessons infuse themselves into the hearts of children, as if osmotically. Thus, after baring witness to the manner in which his father Ali (as), loved obeyed and tended to the service and protection of the blessed Prophet PBUHAHF, it is no accident that Abbas (as) tended to and protected at the cost of his own life, Imam Hussein (as) and Zeinab (as).Abbas Is loved by God (swt) and the holy Prophet (PBUHAHF), the Imams (as) and indeed by all those who love those, who love the Great Abbas (as)